Android Question MediaPlayer Logcat problem


I use MediaPlayer to play some "MP3" files ..everything is work normally but when I run (Android Device Monitor) to debug on real device I get this error :

Tag : MP3Extractor
Error Log Message: [Unable to resync. Signalling end of stream.]

PS: this error not occur on android emulator


Not sure what you mean. You should use B4A-Bridge or USB debug mode.

Post the code and the logs.
I test with (Android Device Monitor)
bat found here: android-sdk\tools\monitor.bat
and real command found here : android-sdk\tools\lib\monitor-x86_64\monitor.exe

it is android standard monitoring tool

I test with small MediaPlayer attach example (test
in real mobile device I get these errors:

in emulator I get some errors but not MP3Extractor error


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