Memory leak


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Longtime User
Stress test by leaving B4A running over 7 hours while "AnotherDatePicker" sample was loaded in memory, after that I tried to compile the project but it couldn't finish it for lack of memory. Windows performance indicated full memory usage (100% or 2GB)
there was no even enough memory to generate the logs so I took photos with my camera for the compiler progress window and for the performance window.

Machine: Lenovo T61
OS: Windows XP
Memory: 2 GB
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo
No applications were loaded other than B4A and the emulator
The computer was off-line
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel
You are right,
The culprit was the emulator.
BTW: until now I was thinking the emulator was written by Erel for b4a.. I never tuched Android or Java before.
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