Messages from Alf Leila Wa Leila


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Any working Android 5 (or newer) in the heap? I could upgrade my current 4.4.4 if the price is right

Congrats for your 1K messages (and 86% like rate too).


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I would like to live 50 years more to see how this planet will be.

Communications will be by blowing horns.. Wars will be by sticks and stones.. May be US Army will have spears. Europe will renovate their caves.. Only Africa will not be affected.


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I just have an interest in who our Material World Masters are and I read on them and their history AND what is planned next - the final piece of the puzzle

What keeps me up at night is that, the universe doesn't care about anything.
To quantum or not to quantum.
We are fighting in a very tiny and special case.


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Each of us have our own purposes - within lies the Google Map with Turn-By-Turn Directions

Since I was born I've been following Google maps directions.. But I didn't set the destination and don't know where I am heading.. And tell you what! I really don't care either! I don't waste time in figuring out where I am going, while I am going to get there anyway even if didn't want to!


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Agreed. Predetermination and Free Will

Just wondering.. We are the only animals on this planet who put their nose where it doesn't belong.
Look at a donkey. Lives on grass only his whole life. No milk, no meat, no fruits, no vegetables.. Has no health insurance yet they are more healthy than humans. They don't care about Obamacare or its replacement!
I never heared of any elephant who complained about allergy or diabetes .. or hypertension from overweight ☺
They don't have police and yet the most peaceful community.
Animals don't need language to communicate.. They are smarter than us humans.. When tsunami hit Indonesia all animals hit the mountains before waves reached the shore.. Only humans perished.. Dogs tried to alert masters by barking and when they gave up they followed their fellow animals and survived leaving their masters their fate.

Sorry uneditd


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Enlightening discourse
Humans practice - and are subjected to - a blend of 3 Modes of Material Nature:

The above 3 are layers around the heart.. With goodness residing in a protected area in the nucleus of the heart. No evil can ever enter that area. That means each and every individual is good in essence. Ignorance, selfishness and all negative characteristics are lapsing modes. Ignorance can be removed by education and behaving but good cannot be removed because simply there is no access to it's area. It can be covered by ignorance, fear (product of ignorance) and bad habits.. But as soon as these (layers) are removed, good will stem out again shining with its eternal glory.


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Animals inhibited this planet for billions of years.. They protected and preserved the environment and natural resources.. We humans are new comers yet what we (achieved) in destroying the environment in the last 100 years is despicable.


Well-Known Member
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Animals inhibited this planet for billions of years.. They protected and preserved the environment and natural resources.. We humans are new comers yet what we (achieved) in destroying the environment in the last 100 years is despicable.

I am a geologist, and I am sure, humans will only be a shortnote in earth we can go on destroying our world, nothing will happen...nature will come back.
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