I modified a function, which Erel learned us in this thread, to put it in then HTTPUtils.bas source of OKHttpUtils2.
This is the function to insert in HTTPUtils:
Using the new OKHTTPUtils2 i can call many WEBDAV API's for Nextcloud or Owncloud, because this API's need no POST, PUT, GET or any other implemented Methods from OKHTTPUtils, they need "PROPFIND","PROPPATCH" etc.
!!!But some API's also need to transfer XML-Data with method "PROPFIND", and this is not implemented!!!
So i modified the function again, to use the second Parameter in the method-function which in Erel's original Function is NULL see this:
.RunMethod("method", Array("OPTIONS", Null))
Exactly this second Parameter is normaly a okhttp3.RequestBody which holds the Data.
This is explained here.
Does anyone have an idea how to create and pass a okhttp3.RequestBody filled with Data to the second Parameter of the Request.Builder method(String method, RequestBody body)?
I tried it like this in my function which i inserted in httpjob but i get an error.
My Code:
This function throws the following error in line RequestBody.InitializeNewInstance("okhttp3.RequestBody",Null):
I need this possibility for creating a WEBDAV Library for Nextcloud.
Some help would be nice.
This is the function to insert in HTTPUtils:
'Submits a HTTP METHOD -X request.
'pMethod is like "PROPFIND","MKCOL","PROPPATCH","COPY","MOVE","REPORT" - needed eg for WEBDAV
'headers = map of headerkeys headervalues
Public Sub SendMethod(pMethod As String, Link As String,headers As Map)
Dim builder As JavaObject
'builder.RunMethodJO("addHeader", Array(Link))
builder.RunMethodJO("url", Array(Link))
builder.RunMethod("method", Array(pMethod, Null))
Dim jo As JavaObject = req
jo.SetField("builder", builder)
If headers <> Null And headers.IsInitialized Then
For Each key As String In headers.Keys
Select True
Case key.ToLowerCase.Contains("content-type")
Case Else
End Select
end if
CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
End Sub
Using the new OKHTTPUtils2 i can call many WEBDAV API's for Nextcloud or Owncloud, because this API's need no POST, PUT, GET or any other implemented Methods from OKHTTPUtils, they need "PROPFIND","PROPPATCH" etc.
!!!But some API's also need to transfer XML-Data with method "PROPFIND", and this is not implemented!!!
So i modified the function again, to use the second Parameter in the method-function which in Erel's original Function is NULL see this:
.RunMethod("method", Array("OPTIONS", Null))
Exactly this second Parameter is normaly a okhttp3.RequestBody which holds the Data.
This is explained here.
Does anyone have an idea how to create and pass a okhttp3.RequestBody filled with Data to the second Parameter of the Request.Builder method(String method, RequestBody body)?
I tried it like this in my function which i inserted in httpjob but i get an error.
My Code:
'Submits a HTTP METHOD -X request.
'headers = map of headerkeys headervalues
'Data() is RequestBody Data in bytes() of MediaType as string eg "text/xml;charset=utf-8"
Public Sub SendMethodWithData(sMethod As String, Link As String,sMediatype As String, Data() As Byte,headers As Map)
Dim RequestBody As JavaObject
Dim Mediatype As JavaObject
Dim builder As JavaObject
builder.RunMethodJO("url", Array(Link))
builder.RunMethod("method", Array(sMethod, RequestBody.RunMethodJO("create", Array(Mediatype.RunMethodJO("parse",Array("text/xml; charset=utf-8")),Data))))
Dim jo As JavaObject = req
jo.SetField("builder", builder)
'req.InitializePut2(Link,Data) ' does not function because method is back to PUT
If headers <> Null And headers.IsInitialized Then
For Each key As String In headers.Keys
Select True
Case key.ToLowerCase.Contains("content-type")
Case Else
End Select
end if
CallSubDelayed2(HttpUtils2Service, "SubmitJob", Me)
End Sub
This function throws the following error in line RequestBody.InitializeNewInstance("okhttp3.RequestBody",Null):
at sun.reflect.InstantiationExceptionConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(InstantiationExceptionConstructorAccessorImpl.java:48)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442)
I need this possibility for creating a WEBDAV Library for Nextcloud.
Some help would be nice.