Microsoft GUI is a mess


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Read out, and realized that i was deep in VB 5 only from MS, after that i did not have this mess ... with Erel's products .
But touched before Z80 assembler and Basic, 8086\80286 assembler, Basic\Pascal, Atmel assembler, and next J2ME, WinCE, WinMobile, Android ....

p.s. HA ! VB5 is still installed and old my projects are openable under Win10 ! And works super fast
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@aeric - B4X also simplifies databinding. Let's say you have a list of custom views containing two buttons and a label. In XAML while I love how databinding works, I love how simple it is in B4X. (All you do is loop through your source list, create a B4XView, load the layout, assign values to control tags[1] and then add that view to your CustomListView.)

I thought I would checkout .NET MAUI and while XAML has some good stuff (databinding) I do agree that it's a mess. For example, in StackLayout you have "HorizontalOptions" and "VerticalOptions". However, those do nothing and haven't been removed. I do however, love the premise of .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid but, that can probably be replicated in B4X with the HttpServer (NOT jServer) library and WebView.

[1] The best feature of B4X is the ability to assign whatever you want (primitive types or even custom types) to each control's tag property.
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