Microsoft Linux


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Licensed User
I wonder if any self-respecting Linux user (fan) would go near this version? Other than to show MS how to do it - properly (?).


Licensed User
How times change... Once upon a time you'd of probably went "Ya what? MS, own Linux distro? Kidding arent ya?"

I remember Windows Refund Day in the 90's, where a load of the Linux community rocked up to the MS offices demanding money back for the Windows licenses which came with new PC's that they never used. In the EULA though it stated they had to contact the manufacturer for a refund... So they did, and, well, these manufacturers never had a clue what they were on about... MS thought not in a million years would anyone actually ask for a refund, so, they never bothered telling manufacturers how to go about handling it!

I dont think anyone got a refund mind! lol

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