Java Question Millenial Media Library - please test and feedback


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Hi folks!

Here comes another monetizing option for our apps.

Millenial Media is pretty useful to be used in similar ways like AdWhirl does. You can get ads from many different sources.

The current library only has banner ads placement. I have been trying to get the video/fullscreen ads to work, but no success so far.

Ok.. now the steps.

- Register yourself as a developer in Millenium Media
- Download the SDK from MM (the JAR file name is MMAdView.jar)
- Add an app, get the AppId

- Download the attached libraries
- Copy all the files in the zip and the JAR from MM into your extras library folder
- Restart B4A or refresh the Libraries tab.

Code in B4A:
- select both MESMMLib and MMAdView from the libs tab.
- project > do not overwrite manifest file <--- should be selected

Sub Globals
   Dim m As MMAdViewX
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   m.InitializeBanner("mm", <insert appid here>)
   Activity.AddView(m, 0, 0, 100%x, 53dip) 'this is the size for MM
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub

In your manifest File:

1 - Before </application>, add the following:

        <activity android:name="" 
        <activity android:name="" 
                    android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|keyboard" >

2 - For permission, make sure the following are there:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

That's it, I think...

Please have a test and let me know how the lib performs. I believe MM has better ads and fill for EU and US markets.

Any questions, ask away!



    5.3 KB · Views: 644


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FYI, I just ran one app yesterday with MM, and the eCPM was $3.xx, which is more than Admob.

Might be moving all my ads to this one.

Once I can get the full screen ads to work, I believe you will have a much better click through rate too!



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Rarely have I seen such incompetence.
MM´s webpage is extremely slow and come up with error 504 most of the time.:BangHead:

Kind regards


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have been having that issue since last month... have given up on them as after asking for help many times from them, they have decided not to reply my mails... oh well... time to move on...

if you're still using this, try to download the latest sdk from their site and give that a go. could also be a location thing. if someone from the US or europe could test the app/ads out would be great as maybe there isnt inventory for asia..



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Millenium Ads

Hi everybody, just wanted to check if anyone has had any luck running this ads, i've added the code to my app and i already signed up with them but i still don't see any ads on my screen, however, when i click around the area where the ad is suppose to appear i get a foreclosed error, anyone has any ideas, i would like to know if anyone has gotten this to work?



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Hi Walter,

Would you be able to get the log for it when the force close error shows? I will see if I can re-write the library one of these days.

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