Android Question MiniHtmlParser replace <br>


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Longtime User

I am using MiniHtmlParser and inside <td> text1 <br> text2 </td>

Now it only retrieves the value text1 and ignores the other value.

How can I replace the <br> tag with a space? and retrieve text1 text2



Licensed User
Starting to look like a job for regex. ?

Dim StringWithHtmlBreaks As String = "one <br> two <br/> three <bR /> four <br > five"

Dim re As String = "\<[Bb][Rr](?: *\/)?\>"
    'matches <
    'followed by B or b
    'followed by R or r
    'followed by this sequence 0 or 1 times:
    '    0 or more spaces
    '    followed by /
    'followed by >
Dim StringWithSpaceBreaks As String = Regex.Replace(re, StringWithHtmlBreaks, " ")
'doesn't match <br > by design, although it'd be easy enough to do


'Log(Regex.Replace(       re       , StringWithHtmlBreaks, " " ))    'leaces spaces intact (and adds a new one to replace the <BR>
'Log(Regex.Replace(" *" & re & " *", StringWithHtmlBreaks, " " ))    'deletes spaces before and after ie reduces to single space
'Log(Regex.Replace(       re       , StringWithHtmlBreaks, CRLF))    'leaves spaces intact
'Log(Regex.Replace(" *" & re       , StringWithHtmlBreaks, CRLF))    'deletes spaces at end of line
'Log(Regex.Replace(" *" & re & " *", StringWithHtmlBreaks, CRLF))    'deletes spaces at end of line and start of following line
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Licensed User

I knew you'd be thrilled. ?

I'm busy using regex to scrape data out of HTML right now myself - what with the Melbourne Cup coming up soon - and I thought... while I'm here, may as well whip up a demo and post it in case it helps.

But most people's eyes glaze over at the sight of regex, which I cheerfully agree does look a bit like a cat's walked across the keyboard. ?

Makes sense if you go through it step-by-step though. Usually I structure the code to make it easier to read, eg, here's my regex for pulling race track and date from a web page:

Dim re As String = "results\/"                 & _
                       "[^\/\""]+"             & _
                   "\/("                       & _
                       "[^\/\""]+"             & _
                   "\/"                        & _
                       "[^\/\""]+\-[Rr]ace\-"  & _
                       "1?\d"                  & _

I should probably document that a bit better so that I can still understand it in the morning. ?
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Licensed User
Is that for next Halloween day? ?

Lol here's some Halloween Horror code for you:

Swap Ints Shuffler(I) and Shuffler(J):
For I = 0 To Shuffler.Length - 1
    Dim J As Int = Rnd(0, Shuffler.Length)
    If I <> J Then
        Shuffler(I) = Shuffler(I) + Shuffler(J)
        Shuffler(J) = Shuffler(I) - Shuffler(J)
        Shuffler(I) = Shuffler(I) - Shuffler(J)
    End If
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