But when I downloaded that project to look at it on opening it and on compilation I get the following error:
Could not find file 'F:\Applications\Basic4android\libraries\slidingmenu.aar'.
I'm using B4A 8.5 so it shouldn't be the issue that I've a too old version of B4A, but what I've read on here suggests missing the file indicates I've an old version.
Are you using the B4A SDK Manager? Did you setup a new SDK for B4A?
You can find the Setup-Instructions here. https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html
You also can watch this Video as it describes it clearly.
Start with a new Blank folder like you see in the Video.
Just to clarify are you saying I should start with a new folder for the Android SDK, just start that part of the installation from scratch? Or should I do the whole installation from start?
I'm a bit confused because the file missing says it should be in the B4A installation folder and not in the Android SDK. The B4A SDK manager works fine for me and everything that says it should be installed has been. I'm still missing that file though.