FusedLocationProviderGMS (Latest)
This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS). Unlike the old version of the FusedLocationProvider library, this version uses the FusedLocationProviderClient class in place of the deprecated FusedLocationProvider class. The...

I have built an app (2 actually) using this lib to try and mock locations.
Studied everything with regards to how to make work, yet - FusedLocation_LocationChanged event won't fire when feeding mock locations?
Essentially, you must create 2 apps. One to FEED mock locations, and another to RECIEVE these LocationF things...
So, I select my "Mock app" in developer settings (to broadcast "fake" locations)..
I SetMockMode = true...
Then I broadcast SetMockLocation( mlocation ) from the sender app (using a sql table to pop new lat / lon - and the other required stuff).
Funny, the receiver app sees the "last known location" - from the sql published results - but never raises the FusedLocation_LocationChanged event....
Before I post the project - anyone have any informed insight? (success doing the same)?
I just hate to bug the crowd when may be something simple I am overlooking (after 2 weeks screwing / google searching for such a resolve).