maybe these are useful. they don't look familiar to me:
☀☁☂☃☄★☆☇☈☉☊☋☌☍☎☏☐☑☒☓ ☖☗☘☙☚☛☜☝
☼☽☾☿♀♁♂♃♄♅♆♇ ♔♕♖♗♘♙
♸♹♺♻♼♽♾ ⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅⚆⚇⚈⚉⚊⚋⚌⚍⚎⚏⚐⚑⚒ ⚔⚕
⚖⚗⚘⚙⚚⚛⚜⚝⚞⚟⚠ ⚢⚣⚤⚥⚦ ⚨⚩ ⚬⚭⚮⚯⚰⚱⚲⚳
⚴⚵⚶⚷⚸⚹⚺⚻⚼ ⚿⛀⛁⛂⛃ ⛆⛇⛈⛉⛊⛋⛌⛍ ⛏⛐⛑
⛒⛓ ⛕⛖⛗⛘⛙⛚⛛⛜⛝⛞⛟⛠⛡⛢⛣⛤⛥⛦⛧⛨⛩ ⛫⛬⛭⛮⛯
⛰⛱ ⛴ ⛶⛷⛸ ⛻⛼ ⛾⛿
load the attached with file.readlist(). if you have an emoji library (asales' lib?), maybe you can just plug these in somehow.
load the attached with file.readlist(). if you have an emoji library (asales' lib?), maybe you can just plug these in somehow.
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