Dear friend, please for advice, what I am doing wrong?
I want move MouseCursor to X and Y
Dim robot As JavaObject
robot.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.robot.Robot", Null)
Dim Point2D As JavaObject
robot.RunMethod("mouseMove", Array As Object(x, y))
I get in log:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: mouseMove not matched.
Dim robot As JavaObject
robot.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.robot.Robot", Null)
Dim Point2D As JavaObject
robot.RunMethod("mouseMove", Array As Object(x, y))
I've just looked inside the JavaObject code and realized that the "not matched" error is not coming, as I thought, from Robot but is in fact being raised by JavaObject itself That explains my mistaken suggestion for your mousePress error earlier on!
The reason for the error is that the types being passed in the Array are not those required by the method. I guess that x and y are not declared as Doubles which is what mouseMove requires.