I have made this library 3-4 months ago. But due to some zooming issue I haven't posted. Last week I saw someone was asking for this type of library so I worked on those issues and posted it.
activityHasActionBar As Boolean Set it to false if there is no Action bar (b4a) / Navigation bar (B4I). Default is True. Only needed if the pinch zoom is enabled.
If you want a simple video slider with dot indicator then you can use ViewPager with xui Page Indicator library. But if you want to have zooming feature, tapping feature etc then it requires a lot of work. Maybe in future but not possible right now.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of these devices. Check if you have added all dependencies (JavaObject, XUI, GestureDetector, AHViewPager, B4XCollections). If yes then all you do is,
Unzip the lib.
Import the bas file to your project.
Remove xImageSliderIG library refference.
Now use Log to see if your touch is being detected or not inside SingleTap and DoubleTap sub.
Unfortunately, I don't have any of these devices. Check if you have added all dependencies (JavaObject, XUI, GestureDetector, AHViewPager, B4XCollections). If yes then all you do is,
Unzip the lib.
Import the bas file to your project.
Remove xImageSliderIG library refference.
Now use Log to see if your touch is being detected or not inside SingleTap and DoubleTap sub.