Moving Panel with touch event Question


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Hi All

New here. I'm not really a programmer but I self taught myself VB and used to do fairly well with it. I'm loving Basic4android.

I'm trying to move a panel using the touch event. It works fine for the most part but while dragging the panel it jitters and jumps all over the screen but ultimately ends up precisely where my finger lifts up. My code seems too simple so I must need something more. Here's the code. Thanks. Tony

Sub pnlGraph_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)

Select Action
Case 0 'DOWN
Xtouch = X
Ytouch = Y

Case 2 'MOVE
pnlGraph.Left = pnlGraph.Left + X - Xtouch
pnlGraph.Top = pnlGraph.Top + Y - Ytouch

End Select

End Sub


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You can use the DraggableView class:

You will see that it uses Reflection to set the Touch listener. The reason is that the standard Panel_Touch event is sent through the message queue and therefore there it is slightly delayed.

Very good example. but I have problem with it.
I added 5 imageview to this panel. If I do`nt use Imagweview_Click event, everything is normal working. If I use Click event for Imageviews, this panel is not moving. What should I do? I need moving panel and 5 clickable imageviews in this panel.
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Do the image views cover the whole panel? If so, their click events will be consuming the touch for the panel. You will need to leave an empty space on the panel, perhaps with a label and a move Icon to make it obvious to the user where they need to touch to move it.

If not, can you post a small test project showing the problem. So we don't have to build one.
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