I'm doing some test with a MQTT broker, using the MQTTBox tool, to verify all is working well, before use my APP. The topic to publish and the payload used are in the following screenshot:
With this tool, all is working fine. When I use the APP, I can connect to the broker perfectly, but the publish topic does not arrive correctly. My piece of code is the following:
As can be seen in the screenshot, the payload should be "Strings / JSON / XML / Characters", but in the "Publish" method of the jMQTT library, the payload must be "Byte".
How can I send this kind of payload?
Thanks and regards
I'm doing some test with a MQTT broker, using the MQTTBox tool, to verify all is working well, before use my APP. The topic to publish and the payload used are in the following screenshot:
With this tool, all is working fine. When I use the APP, I can connect to the broker perfectly, but the publish topic does not arrive correctly. My piece of code is the following:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
mqtt.Initialize("mqtt", serverURI, "xxxxxxx")
Dim mo As MqttConnectOptions
mo.Initialize("xxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyy")
Dim jo As JavaObject = mo
jo.RunMethod("setSocketFactory", Array(CreateTrustAllSSLSocketFactory))
End If
End Sub
Sub CreateTrustAllSSLSocketFactory As Object
Dim tm As CustomTrustManager
Dim SSLContext As JavaObject
SSLContext = SSLContext.InitializeStatic("javax.net.ssl.SSLContext").RunMethod("getInstance", Array("TLS"))
SSLContext.RunMethod("init", Array(Null, tm, Null))
Dim Factory As JavaObject = SSLContext.RunMethod("getSocketFactory", Null)
Return Factory
End Sub
Sub mqtt_Connected (Success As Boolean)
If Success = False Then
Log("Error connecting: " & LastException)
mqtt.Publish("v/a/g/141414141414/s/temperature-141414141414-1", serializator.ConvertObjectToBytes("1539878280000,25.5"))
End If
End Sub
As can be seen in the screenshot, the payload should be "Strings / JSON / XML / Characters", but in the "Publish" method of the jMQTT library, the payload must be "Byte".
How can I send this kind of payload?
Thanks and regards