For a VB6 project of mine, I used a universal form to show and edit a set of entries (of a database or just some settings).
Translating this to B4A, I created a little helper which might be useful to other users. It is not perfect, but I started with B4A two weeks ago...
Call it just as
It will return ret=-1 if the OK button was pressed, and the Values list updated with the new entries, otherwise is ret=-2 and Values remain unchanged.
Labelwidth (from 10 to 90, like %) is used to balance the label width with the EditText. 50 means equal width for both.
I use CustomDialog (from DIALOG library) to create a panel with a number of labels and EditTexts according to the size of the Label list.
This dialog is "modal" (as much as it can be - it will be destroyed by rotating the device). No global variables or views or event handling SUBs are necessary - just continue inside the SUB which calls MuEdit.
This is the code. I appreciate every improvement, especially of naming the buttons automatically according to the language used.
Translating this to B4A, I created a little helper which might be useful to other users. It is not perfect, but I started with B4A two weeks ago...
Call it just as
ret = MuEdit(Title As String, Labels As List, Values As List, Hints As List, Labelwidth As Int)
Labelwidth (from 10 to 90, like %) is used to balance the label width with the EditText. 50 means equal width for both.
I use CustomDialog (from DIALOG library) to create a panel with a number of labels and EditTexts according to the size of the Label list.
This dialog is "modal" (as much as it can be - it will be destroyed by rotating the device). No global variables or views or event handling SUBs are necessary - just continue inside the SUB which calls MuEdit.
This is the code. I appreciate every improvement, especially of naming the buttons automatically according to the language used.
Sub MuEdit(Title As String, Labels As List, Values As List, Hints As List, Labelwidth As Int) As Int
' Multiple line input dialog. Uses Lib 'Dialogs' by Andrew Graham
' Dimension of Lists has to be equal or at least that of 'Labels'
' This SUB is modal. No global variables or additional SUBs are necessary. It will return
' the original ret value of CustomDialog. Values are changed only if "yes"/"OK" button is pressed.
' Please adapt the Button Texts of CustomDialog as you need them
' Use Labelwidth to vary the relation between prompts/labels and EditTexts. 10-90. 50 means equal.
Dim cd As CustomDialog
Dim scv As ScrollView
Dim NumberofItems,i As Int
Dim lwidth,ewidth As Int
NumberOfItems = Labels.Size
If Labelwidth<10 Then Labelwidth = 10
If Labelwidth>90 Then Labelwidth = 90
lwidth = (90%x*Labelwidth/100-6)*1dip
ewidth = (90%x*(1-Labelwidth/100)-10)*1dip
scv.Color = Colors.DarkGray
Dim InLabel(NumberOfItems) As Label
For i=0 To NumberOfItems-1
Inlabel(i).Initialize(""): Inlabel(i).TextSize = 14
Inlabel(i).Text = Labels.Get(i)
Dim MuEditInputs(NumberOfItems) As EditText
For i=0 To NumberOfItems-1
MuEditInputs(i).Text = Values.Get(i)
MuEditInputs(i).Hint = Hints.Get(i): MuEditInputs(i).HintColor = Colors.LightGray
i=i*50dip: If i > 90%y Then i=90%y
cd.AddView(scv, 0,0,90%x,i) ' sizing relative to the screen size is probably best
'adapt your button texts as needed here. I do not use the "no" button.
ret = cd.Show(Title, "OK", "", "Cancel", Null)
If ret = -1 Then '
For i=0 To MuEditInputs.Length-1
Values.Set(i, MuEditInputs(i).Text)
End If
Return ret
End Sub