Android Question Multi Activity at debug-time


Hi all

I have the need to create an APP within more than 1 "form" (as we can define into the old Visual Basic 6)
and I read some manual and (mostly) examples.

By trial and error, I have created what I needed.
My project has a login "form" and a contact "form".

This way I can load what is needed for login

then I call a webservice (to check user/pass) and then, if the result is positive, I should display the second activity
that contains the fields of the contact form, but this call does not work ....

frmContatti is a second Activity independent of the first (main).

- do I have to (somehow) hide/destroy the active Activity (Login)?
- how should the second Activity be started?
- is it possible that during the debug phase (step by step) the second form/activity (frmContatti) is not started?

Thank you


I read your post about B4XPages

In your sourcecode
    Dim pm As B4XPagesManager

pm object raise an error.
It seems that B4A don't know B4XPagesManager
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It seems that still not works. Same error.
In attachment the libs that I have.

Something is missing?


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