Android Question Multiple bitmaps Added to an Imageview


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I have looked in the forum but have not found an answer to my question. I am using the DraggableView module and would like to load up an imageview on a panel with multiple bitmaps. If so how would I go about doing that? I am using the following code now to setup the multiple bitmaps onto a panel but feel that using the hardcoded coordinates will get me into trouble down the road. I know this seems to be quite lazy on my part but to make this change without knowing that it will work will be a large effort.

Please excuse me if I got the structure for entering code to the Forum incorrectly since this is the first time that I have done this. And if so please give me the proper syntax.

Dim iX As Int = 10
For i = 6 To 1 Step - 1
imgHill(i).Gravity = Gravity.Fill
imgHill(i).Bitmap = bmpHill
imgHill(i).Tag = "hill " & i
Activity.AddView(imgHill(i), DipToCurrent(iX), 9Dip, DipToCurrent(bmpHill.Width), DipToCurrent(bmpHill.Height))
dvHill(i).Initialize(Activity, imgHill(i))

Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
To insert blocks of code you need to encapsulate 'code' and '/code' in between square brackets [], or you can just do the following.

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Thanks Peter for your assistance. After thinking about this more I believe I know how to do this without the multiple bitmaps and doing away with the hard coding of positions. Also adding code I need <Code></Code>.
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