iOS Question my app with iadmob cannot publish to appstore


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apple ask me about IDFA, I didn't know about this, when I choose 'no'(
Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?)
.it alerts that "Your app is using the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). You must either provide details about the IDFA usage or remove it from the app and submit your binary again."

when I choose 'yes'.I must select some options(1-3)
If your app is using the Advertising Identifier, check your code—including any third-party code—before you submit it to make sure that your app uses the Advertising Identifier only for the purposes listed below and respects the Limit Ad Tracking setting. If you include third-party code in your app, you are responsible for the behavior of such code, so be sure to check with your third-party provider to confirm compliance with the usage limitations of the Advertising Identifier and the Limit Ad Tracking setting.
This app uses the Advertising Identifier to (select all that apply):
1.Serve advertisements within the app
2.Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement
3.Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement

I try and try but I cannot publish app
help me,please

valentino s

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After these questions there's another one:
"Io sottoscritto, ..., confermo che quest'app, e qualsiasi terza parte collegata con quest'app, utilizza i controlli dell'identificativo IDFA e rispetta le decisioni dell'utente in merito all'impostazione Limita Ad Tracking in iOS e, quando l'utente abilita l'opzione, quest'app non utilizza l'identificativo IDFA e le informazioni ottenute tramite l'utilizzo dell'identificativo IDFA in nessun modo diverso dagli "Obiettivi di limitazione della pubblicità" definiti nell'accordo iOS Developer Program License Agreement."​
In my poor english, sorry
"I declare the app respect user's decisions on ad tracking limits on iOS and, if the user activate the option, the app doesn't use idfa" and so on ...
I've only used iadmob. Do I have to add something in the code to support the feature or the library already check it ?

Thanks to all in advance.
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