I created the following recursive function to remove all occurrences of matching chars from the string. The log indicates the function get the result correctly, but the final result returned is empty
. Could someone kindly point me to the mistakes I've made, please?
calling code:
Dim result As String=StringHelper.RemoveChars("to see is to believe", "to") 'expected result: " see is believe" with both "to" removed
LogColor(result, Colors.Blue ) 'nothing was printed
Recursive function:
'Remove all occurrences of chars in the Str string
Sub RemoveChars(str As String, chars As String) As String
Dim i As Int=str.IndexOf(chars)
If i>=0 Then
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb.Remove(i, i +chars.Length)
LogColor("New str=" & sb.ToString, Colors.blue) 'correct result is logged here
RemoveChars(sb.ToString, chars) 'recursive
Return str 'escape
End If
End Sub
'Remove all occurrences of chars in the Str string
Sub RemoveChars(str As String, chars As String)ti","") As String
Dim i As Int=str.IndexOf(chars)
If i>=0 Then
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb.Remove(i, i +chars.Length)
LogColor("New str=" & sb.ToString, Colors.blue) 'correct result is logged here
Return RemoveChars(sb.ToString, chars) 'recursive
Return str 'escape
End If
End Sub
Buy Is more simple method Replace: