Dim job2 As HttpJob
job2.Initialize("", Me)
job2.Download("https://mywebsite/GeneralInfo/getinfo.php" )
Wait For (job2) JobDone(job2 As HttpJob)
Dim res As String
res = job2.GetString
res = "[" & res & "]"
the encoding of the database and all the tables and fields is utf-general-ci but question marks appeared in places of the Arabic letters in res string. where is the problem?
You probably mean utf8-general-ci. Short story: utf8 on MySQL is crap, it's not really utf8 as the rest of the world knows it. They did it like this way back because of performance reasons, and we all have to suffer for it now. The good news is that we now instead have utf8mb4, which is true utf8 in MySQL.
This post's contentThe Story of UTF8 VS UTF8MB4RecommendationHow to convert utf8 to utf8mb4 in MySQL? The Story of UTF8 VS UTF8MB4 I once got a call from the support team, saying that one of our customers reported that the application fails to save data in one of our business-critical features...
Given this you should be able to find more relevant info on the net.
I think after change the database collation, you also need to change or make sure all the varchar columns or the one column you concern are/is using utf8mb4. Then update all the values again with the new encoding or else the values are still stored in old format or less bytes.
Problem found The problem seems to be that $mysqli->set_charset() is not accepting `utf8mb4' as a valid encoding (just as I "speculated" in the first update). MySQL version is 5.5.41 and PHP ve...