I'm trying to port the nanoHTTPD library to B4A using SLC. SLC generates the JAR file but the message "Error parsing libraries. fi.iki.elonen.nanoHTTPD.asyncrunner already exists" appears when refreshing libraries.
I already tried to hide classes, change the names, length of the package... but I didn't get success. Please can you help me?
The idea behind this is to create an embedded product with a RESTful API service for integration. I know the B4J could do the job but I would prefer to use a single application with the server stuff, UI... and to use available all-in-one devices based in Android.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I'm trying to port the nanoHTTPD library to B4A using SLC. SLC generates the JAR file but the message "Error parsing libraries. fi.iki.elonen.nanoHTTPD.asyncrunner already exists" appears when refreshing libraries.
I already tried to hide classes, change the names, length of the package... but I didn't get success. Please can you help me?
The idea behind this is to create an embedded product with a RESTful API service for integration. I know the B4J could do the job but I would prefer to use a single application with the server stuff, UI... and to use available all-in-one devices based in Android.
Thank you in advance for your help.