Android Question NavControl from B4I to B4A


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Is there a code similar to


in B4A?
I just want to go to previous Activity in B4A when i click back button... Any ideas? I don't want to do the "Button.Visible = true/false" anymore..


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Android doesn't support the concept of navigation controllers in the way that iOS does, however...

If you have launched an activity from another activity, then when you tap the back button on the device the current activity will close & you'll be returned to the previous activity. Am I missing something?

- Colin.
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Colin, when i do Activity.LoadLayout ("2") (Main activity is 1) then i get layout of activity 1 and layout of activity 2 at the same time... By layout i mean designer settings... I will try with startactivity :)
Edit: StartActivity works fine. :)
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Colin, when i do Activity.LoadLayout ("2") (Main activity is 1) then i get layout of activity 1 and layout of activity 2 at the same time... By layout i mean designer settings... I will try with startactivity :)
Edit: StartActivity works fine. :)
Yes - I don't think loading multiple layouts in an activity is the most efficient way of navigating through your app. Using separate activities for your different layouts & loading them with StartActivity is definitely the way to go!

- Colin.
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You could use:

     StartActivity("Main") '- to take you back to the Main Activity.

I've never actually tried this, but I imagine it might cause some issues if you have come from the main activity - because I don't think using StartActivity actually unloads the calling activity (so I'm guessing you might end up with 2 instances of your Main activity).

I could be wrong though...

- Colin.
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Yes - I don't think loading multiple layouts in an activity is the most efficient way of navigating through your app. Using separate activities for your different layouts & loading them with StartActivity is definitely the way to go!
I agree.

1. Note that you should use StartActivity(Main) instead of StartActivity("Main")
2. You will not end with two instances. If an activity is already in the activities stack then it will just move to the front.
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