Para usar alguna de esas soluciones (dropbox, onedrive, ...) necesitas complicarte con sus API's.
Quizás no hayas probado Google Drive, que hay también algún ejemplo en el foro:
Updated Oct 30, 2023 Attached is a small project (version 19) to get a grip on Google Drive. Most work was done by mw71, but this brings it all together from scattered informations to a usable entrypoint. The program sequence is as follows: 1. "GoogleDrive" is initialized in Main...
Probablemente la forma más sencilla, sea tener tu fichero en algún FTP (hay muchos gratuitos), y descargarlo al inicio de tu aplicación:
Starting from v1.70 of Net, jNet and iNet libraries the asynchronous methods return a 'sender filter' object. This object can be passed as the sender filter parameter in a Wait For call. This makes it simpler to manage multiple requests. For example: 'ftp was previously initialized and its...