I am 3 month learning this great software (basic4android), i still have a problem to understand using activity_create / resume / pause, switch between activity, and connect to web service.
i had create project display product name using Listview and grouping category product using Tabstrip, all category and product i get from web service (json).
This is the question:
1. i have load product (main activity) eachtime user clicked Tabstrip cateogry from web service.
It this right choices ? or there are any advice for quick loading? because each time i am open another
activty (order that product), when i close this order activity and back to main activity, may product is
gone from the listview ( i must loading again from the web service, this take time to loading)
2. i want to add picture in listview, this is possible or i must using xCostumListview ?
which is the best and faster loading for image ? and there any suggestion i must save product picture
in database or in remote folder, based on your experience?
3. if my product over than a 10.000 item, can we loading that product in 10 eachtime to screen and when
user scroll listview to the bottom,then program will loading next 10 item (from web service), or there
any suggestion.
4. i have problem in log for Oppo F7, there no log in basic4android debug, can you give me advice
where is the problem?
Thanks for you time to explain to me.