Any genius out there can help me figure out a single equation for DataUnitValue. My mathematics skill does not serve me well at this time. This works out ok, but I was concern what is the single equation for this?
Thank you
Thank you
Dim Val, TotalVal, GridMax, GridMin, DataUnitValue As Float
'Plug in any of these DataUnitValue will equal 0.5. What is the single equation for this???
'GridMax = 100: GridMin = -40: Val = 30
'GridMax = 100: GridMin = 10: Val = 45
'GridMax = -10: GridMin = -50: Val = -30
TotalVal = GridMax - GridMin
If GridMin > 0 Then
DataUnitValue = (((Val - GridMin)/TotalVal) * 8) 'PART A: EQUATION USED FOR MIN VALUE ABOVE 0
DataUnitValue = (((Val + Abs(GridMin))/TotalVal) * 8) 'PART B: EQUATION USED FOR MIN VALUE BELOW 0
End If
'Need to equal for 0.5 for the equation to be accurate, using the val above.