Hi Erel!,
I really need help on HttpUtils2, I use poststring method to put input criteria into php code.
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.PostString ("http://xxxxxx.com/getmysql.php","tbid=mytable" & "&mday=" & itemday & "&mmonth=" & itemmonth & "&myear=" & itemyear )
I can have correct content only first request.
Dim tempstr As String
Log("JobName = " & Job.JobName & ", Success = " & Job.Success)
If Job.Success = True Then
Select Job.JobName
Case "JobPostName"
tempstr = Job.getstring
Let say I have result like this.
Name:Mr.AAA Salary:AAA
Name:Mr.BBB Salary:BBB
Name:Mr.CCC Salary:CCC
Name:Mr.DDD Salary
Name:Mr.EEE Salary:EEE
Then I try changing criteria on next request but I still get the same content. Seem HttpUtils does not fetch new data or pending on cookie something, I don't know. Pls advise,thanks.