Dear All,
I try to find "ImageSlider with dot Indicator" library but fail to find it,
Kindly, How can I get it , and simple example if possible .
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
The project require every time for more libraries,
It asked for "GestureDetector" I bring it, and other thinks ,
Now I stopped at this required "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A\libraries\exoplayer-core-2.11.3.aar'."
Any help to bring this library,
Or help to find simple ImageSlider ?
Best regards
The project require every time for more libraries,
It asked for "GestureDetector" I bring it, and other thinks ,
Now I stopped at this required "Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A\libraries\exoplayer-core-2.11.3.aar'."
Any help to bring this library,
Or help to find simple ImageSlider ?
Best regards
In this example project you can see how to add an auto play feautre to the AS ViewPager. Sub Class_Globals Private tmr_AutoPlay As Timer End Sub Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)...
B4XPageIndicator is a simple and cross platform custom view that looks like this: It indicates the current page. A page can mean many things, it is not limited to TabStripViewPager. How to use: - Add it with the designer. You probably want to set the Base Background to be transparent (Alpha...
A ViewPager with the freedom to place anything you need and a Dot indicator to see what page you are on.
I faced error :
Cannot find: C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A\libraries\asviewpager.jar
While I installed ASViewPager.b4xlib
Any support, please?
Meanwhile, I installed "b4aCarouselView" it work well but have one problem with it, That the b4aCarouselView doesn't accept any upper panel or image, it upper forever
as in following output:
As solution for "b4aCarouselView" or for "ASViewPager" ?
Best regards
Yes the panel is upper,
Even I tested to put Panel and even Label as in attached image
in both case the CV1 goes to up over the panel and label (sure in viewing area of CV1 ) as in image in the previous post