Need new ideas


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Hi all,

I have created a few apps for myself. These apps all do the same basic thing just store information in a database. They just hold different info, so I was looking in the Share Your Creations section and see all the wonderful creations that can be done with B4A and think I can do this and I get stuck. Maybe, I'm not a great programmer, but I try. Would anyone have any helpful tips on where to begin. My weakest area in programming that I've noticed is Arrays and Loops.

Thank you,


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and see all the wonderful creations that can be done with B4A and think I can do this and I get stuck
After 20 years in the development industry and 10 years as freelance, I have the same feeling when looking at what other are able to create. Don't be stuck, go ahead with your own feeling and take pleasure learning things and experimenting.
Erel and some experts only have all the knowledge : we are a large majority to learn everyday.
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I am a pessimist by nature, but in this case ... I am even more.

Producing apps:

1) The graphics are complicated;
2) communications are complicated (and I would say essential);
3) protection is complicated;
4) the business strategy is enormously complicated.

I would like to add something to the topic:

(Luca) Need new ideas to change profession


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@lemonisdead, Thank you. I do like creating the database programs and have learned a few new things along the way by experimenting. I will never be where Erel is but with the help of the B4A community maybe I can create something useful.

@LucaMs, "I am a pessimist by nature" huh, that sounds like me. I don't give myself enough credit. I know I can do this, I just have to sit down long enough with out distractions (which is hard to do) and actually focus on a project.

I was able to finish a project for my wife with a dropbox backup and I think it turned out ok. I will always see something that needs to be changed in that project, but she likes it and that's the main thing.

What I really want to be able to do is create an app that does something, not just store information. I'm not looking at gaming just yet maybe something like webpages, gps, something interactive. I'm not creative, so I ask my wife what she would like and usually go from there.

I had another app that used the camera app, but failed with it. Maybe one day I'll come back to it. It used the camera app to take pictures of sewing patterns and stored them in you guessed it a database.

These are the type of things I was speaking of when I said new Ideas and where to begin.


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I am a pessimist by nature, but in this case ... I am even more.

Producing apps:

1) The graphics are complicated;
2) communications are complicated (and I would say essential);
3) protection is complicated;
4) the business strategy is enormously complicated.

I would like to add something to the topic:

(Luca) Need new ideas to change profession

I hope my poor English was sufficient to make it clear that I was referring to myself :)


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@LucaMs, no worries. I totally understand what you meant.

I'm sorry if this seemed like a rant. I get like this right before a seizure and it came out in a post.


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Despite my years of experience, I really feel like a clumsy newbie when I take my windsurfing board and start sailing beside young guys that started to sail before to walk and are on water many times a week. I know I will never be able to do some maneuvers or to ride big waves and sail with very strong winds BUT I take pleasure in what I do. At my level, I'm happy. Sometimes I try to focus on a new thing to master and if I succeed, it's like I was winning the world championship. :) So I will reformulate your question: what's your own world championship to win?


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@lemonisdead - I feel like I have too many experiments already. Its time for a finished product. I do take pleasure when I see my wife use one of my apps as I usually develop based on her ideas, but now I want to do more.

@Informatix - Thank you for your input. My own world championship is to just get through life with as few seizures(Epilepsy) as possible and be Happy. I enjoy coding even though I'm not the greatest at it. It still gives me something to do and feels like I have accomplished something. Like I said earlier, I have created a few apps for myself and my wife and I would like to eventually get good enough to start putting some in the app store. Here are a few things I would like to get better at before I do that though:
  • HTML parsing - sounds simple right, a simple currency converter or something that just gets info from a website should just be simple. Yes, I've seen the currency converter example, but even it looks more complicated than it should be. Maybe I just don't understand it fully.
  • Understand Arrays - my weakest link
  • Sliding Panels - almost got this one :) with help from @fatman
  • designing without Designer - don't think I'll ever get this one
  • rotating without losing data, this needs statemanager. just need to learn how to use it.
  • YouTube - not sure, but I saw an example using customlistview
  • RDC - Have never done one of these and not sure how hard it would be to setup.
  • service module - seems to baffle me for some reason
Now this seems like a lot, but its not really. Just a few things hurdles that I need to overcome before submitting to the store.

Mostly what I have done is basically Database based apps and experimented with sliding panels and DropBox. I want to do more than this.

I have ordered the MagBook that is mentioned here in hopes of learning more, but have yet to receive it.

My main problem is I just don't have enough time to sit down and concentrate on what I am doing. Between doctors appointments, seizures and being tired I don't get to do what I enjoy the most, Programming for android. And to think B4I is coming soon and I would love to be able to develop apps for the I-world.
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Thank you for your input. My own world championship is to just get through life with as few seizures(Epilepsy) as possible and be Happy.

Maybe you already know that, but in France, two researchers made recently a major breakthrough concerning epilepsy. Here's an article in french:
An abstract in english of their scientific paper:

Understand Arrays - my weakest link

What exactly don't you understand about arrays?
Arrays can be seen as isolated memory cells (what's in a cell don't affect any other cell). If you declare an array like this: Dim Numbers(100) As Int, then you have one hundreds integers that you can set like this:
Numbers(4) = 6 (you store 6 in the fifth cell of your array)
If Numbers(3) = 400 then ... (if the 4th number of your array is 400 then ...)
Note that the index of the array starts at 0 so the first cell has the index 0, the second cell 1, etc.
You can have arrays of anything, e.g. Dim MyEditTexts(5) As EditText.
If you have many views of the same type in the same activity, it's often more convenient to declare them as an array because you can use a loop to initialize them, to change their properties, to store their contents in a database, etc. Example:
For e = 0 to 4
EditText(e).Text = ""

designing without Designer - don't think I'll ever get this one
Each view that you create in the designer generates a code like this:
Dim MyView As ViewType
MyView.Property1 = ...
MyView.Property2 = ...
Activity.AddView(MyView, X, Y, Width, Height)
Thus, to create a view outside the designer, you just have to do the same thing. A real example with a label:
Dim MyLabel As Label
MyLabel.TextSize = 24
MyLabel.Text = "My label text"
Activity.AddView(MyLabel, 20dip, 20dip, 100dip, 25dip)

My main problem is I just don't have enough time to sit down and concentrate on what I am doing
Then proceed step by step. You don't need to sit for hours to learn how arrays work. And you can try to focus on a smaller part of the problem to solve. For example, in my job (I manage servers), when the servers have no failure (which unfortunately is uncommon when you have 400 servers), I have nothing to do and it's the opportunity to write messages like this one. So my working hours are very fragmented and I have a clear idea of what can be a day when you're frequently interrupted and cannot do something that lasts. It's not always compatible with programming (and I have to write code in my job). So I have to follow one direction and only one; when I've done with it, I follow another one, and so on. I cannot try to change something here, then something there, fix this part, add this missing class, etc. or I'll be completely lost. There's no other advice that can be given in your case. Don't try to learn everything at once. Select only one goal for now. As english people says: "Jack of all trades, master of none".
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