Need some guidance in setting Paypal a/c in India for receiving payment


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Longtime User
Hi Friends,

I need some guidance in setting Paypal a/c in India for receiving payment and paying for purchase online.

I can make purchase online now from Internet banking, but can not receive in so simple way.
Now I use one of my friend's Paypal a/c in USA to receive donation and also request him to make payment online for my Paypal purchases.

I have read all information available on Paypal site and also other websites. But still I need guidance from fellow Indian members who have Paypal a/c and are receiving/ paying from it. I am afraid I may have to pay charges even it no payment received in my a/c for say 1/2 months or yearly.
Also need to know how are Paypal charges in INR.

So if you can share some personal experience on maintaining Paypal a/c for similar requirement, I will be highly obliged.


Well-Known Member
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I thought I would just tell you about where I live. Perhaps this might give an idea about how to find out how it might work in India.

Here one can only receive money from PayPal through one of the local banks. So you have to go through a whole rig-ma-roll to set that up with the bank//PayPal. You can register with PayPal direct (for payments out), but, to get the money out of that wallet (payments in) it has to be done through a portal at the local bank (as far as I know it's one specific bank has this). I suppose this is because of foreign exchange rules, income tax due on that earning, and, some other finance zone rules (not to mention snoop dog IRS and suspicious authorities). Also, by law one cannot leave money in a PayPal account for longer than 30 days - so you Have to download into a local account. And then of course "they" have you cornered. Bank/PayPal/money changers all take a cut - obviously......


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for reply.
Yes I read in India as per RBI only outside India receive and pay allowed by Paypal also the receive amt is transferred to linked bank in India.
I need some more info from experiences of Indian members. What to expect and what not to do, something like that.


Licensed User
Longtime User
If you have question regarding PayPal, why not shoot an email to their customer support?
There is something called first hand experience which I am look forward to.
I did same by reading in B4X forum to understand if I will be able and afford to be an Android developer.

Anyway if I have to take the plunge, I will.
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