I need some help to extract/remove some tags within HTML. The specific one I need help with (and then I can probably take it from there for any others) is removing the "href" tag and only keeping the content for example
<a href="somelink">content</a>
so I only want 'content' left within the string and this has to work for multiple occurrences within the "HTML" string.
EDIT: I kinda solved it with this but if you have a better way please feel free to share it
<a href="somelink">content</a>
so I only want 'content' left within the string and this has to work for multiple occurrences within the "HTML" string.
EDIT: I kinda solved it with this but if you have a better way please feel free to share it
iPos=newHTML.IndexOf("<a href=" & QUOTE)
Do While iPos<>-1
'find the pos of '">'
endPos=newHTML.IndexOf2(QUOTE & ">",iPos)
iPos=newHTML.IndexOf("<a href=" & QUOTE)
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