sql.GetPartMasterPicsQry=SELECT PartMasterPics.Pmp_PictureName, PartMasterPics.Pmp_Notes, PartMasterPics.Pmp_PrintOnTrav FROM PartMasterPics WHERE (((PartMasterPics.Pmp_PmLinkID)=?)) ORDER BY PartMasterPics.Pmp_SortOrder;
The first and last field are fine. I have no idea what to do with the second. It should be returning a line or so of text.
here is the relevant code:
Dim result As DBResult = reqManager2.HandleJob(Job)
If result.Tag = "GetPartMasterPicsQry" Then
For Each records() As Object In result.Rows
PicsList.AddTwoLines2(records(0), records(1), records(0))
End IF
The field in SQL Server is nvarchar(MAX). Perhaps the easiest thing to do is CAST it to a regular text in the query?
Interesting, I solved the problem by changing the query and Changing the return field type:
SELECT PartMasterPics.Pmp_PictureName, Cast(PartMasterPics.Pmp_Notes AS nvarchar(100)), PartMasterPics.Pmp_PrintOnTrav FROM PartMasterPics WHERE (((PartMasterPics.Pmp_PmLinkID)=19890)) ORDER BY PartMasterPics.Pmp_SortOrder;
But I would still like to know how to handle very long note fields in the future.