Bug? Network Library Bug?


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I have written a sub that checks whether I have network connectivity - either via a local network, or a cell network:

Sub Check_Connectivity() As Boolean
    Dim phDevice As Phone
    Dim sTCP As ServerSocket
        sTCP.Initialize(13132, "")
        If sTCP.GetMyIP <> "" Then
            Return True
        End If   
        If phDevice.GetNetworkType <> "UNKNOWN" Then Return True
        Return False
        Send_Error_Report("Check_Connectivity", LastException.Message)
        Return False
    End Try

The problem I am having is that I am receiving the following error report from a few of my users:

Yahtzee! Version: Version: 10.4 (Free)
SDK: 16
Sub: Check_Connectivity
Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: " 4"
Timestamp: 01/27/2014 - 13:20:43

What I don't understand is where this "Invalid int:" is coming from. There are no int variables in the sub & none of the method calls take an int as a parameter, nor do they return an int. I also don't know where this " 4" value is coming from. Is this possibly a bug in the Network library, or am I missing something really obvious here?




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You don't need the empty brackets after the Sub Check_Connectivity if there are no arguments. It's probably not the cause of the problem though.

A couple of questions, Do you know on which devices it fails? and what is the signature for the sub "Send_Error_Report"


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Yeah - that's just the way I like to write my subs if they return a value. Don't know the answer to your first question (something I will have to include in my error reporting in the future), but I have had a few reports of the issue, so I'm assuming (possibly wrongly) that it's not a specific device.

The signature for the sub is:

Sub Send_Error_Report(sSub As String, sError As String)

- although I don't think it's relevant as the exception itself is being generated in Check_Connectivity.

Thanks - Colin.
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