New feature - inline casting


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I like the new way - far easier to comprehend.

If we write a library - do we supply the 'As' method and return valid conversions?


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It is still true. For example, in HMG, users also contribute towards the development.


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@alwaysbusy you made me almost drop my tears. The post is so touching when I read it. ?


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So instead of using the CastTo keyword, replacing it with As is much much shorter keystrokes and comfortable to my eyes and brain.
Yes, 'CastTo' sounds more complicated and may require some explanation of the inner workings. 'As' is more linguistic and natural. Good choice!


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This reminds me
The first example reminds me of something I missed: typed lists.

With VB Net I could have:
Dim lstButtons As New List(Of Button)
and then I could have written:
lstButtons(3).Text = "Something"
with this inline casting I will be able to do it:
Buttons.Get(2).As(B4XView).Text = "abc"

[Yes, I could use an array of Buttons but a List is not an array, it is much more powerful.]


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Yes, 'CastTo' sounds more complicated and may require some explanation of the inner workings.

for those who write queries/views in MSSQL this is something you do very often but you also don't need to know the inner workings of it as long as it works as intended.

got here by your tweet by the way, so thanks for mentioning this post as I didn't see it

I like the second version of this feature. it means less declarations of variables if I see it right?


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When I first looked at B4X, I was curious if I would miss generic lists and stuff like that.
But generic lists will not work when there are different object types in the same list. You can then set it to some superclass, and start DirectCasting, and it gets clumsy.
B4X is a great example of a language that is aggressively efficient and easy. Instead of figuring out what to use:
x = CStr(y)
x = Y.ToString
x = CType(x, String)
and so on, in B4X we just say
x = y
and that is powerful. Is it less typesafe? Not really, because when I write a = DirectCast(b, AClass) then I may have typed the wrong class mistakenly.
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