Wish New IDE autocomplete disable


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there a way to turn off the auto complete inside the #if java ... #end if, it gets really frustrating when writing java code to have it keep changing variable names, system calls etc.

Try writing System.out.println("Hello");

you actually end up with



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you, speedy doesn't seem to do justice to how quick that was fixed.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
That response is why I prefer small companies over giants like MS.

I've reported serious bugs that breaks stuff to MS, five years ago, and gone through these stages:

* You have to fight to get to the right person.
* You have to prove that the bug exist in about ten different ways, even though it's well known, well documented and all over the internet.
* They acknowledge the bug.
* They say that the bug maybe will be fixed in a future release.
* They say "This behaviour is by design". Yeah, you design your stuff to break things...
* Five years later, still not fixed.

The stupid thing is that the bug would have been a 60 minute fix, testing and all, instead, they've spend what would probably amount to several man-years to hide it from me and a thousands others who complain about it.

With a small company, things are just fixed.

This is also the reason I like to work at small companies. Less talk, more doing.
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