New libraries


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I've been using Basic4Android for some months, and I'm really happy with this. After this time I've found a very big disadvantage.

Developing with Java and "standard" SDK have lots and lots of new extensions every day. In our case, using B4A, there are only a few each several of months.

It is true that there are some people working on it, and giving us some extensions for free, but it can't be comparable with all Android world.

There are lots of examples about very popular libraries in Android that we can't use so, maybe, it's time to learn Java :(

Thanks for listening me.


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I'd like to help as much as I can in new libraries, but my lack of java experience prevents it :s.

I had never used Java before, unless some time ago when I started with Basic4Android because i wanted to improve some of my own apps with functions B4A didn't had.

When someone posts a library wish, I normally look at it immediatly, but sometimes, it's just too hard for me.

I wish to help as much as I can in in this community.

So if anyone wants to have a library ported or made, feel free to post here (on the bug/wish) forum, and I'll try to port or make it.



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I don't really think port a library to B4A is so easy. I've no idea about Java and I've studied some libraries code and seems really complex for a noob like me.

I used some of @XverhelstX attempts, like AndAR (Android Augmented Reality) but this didn't work for me.

I've seen some very very insteresting libraries, but I don't know how easy/difficult are tey to be ported:

If there was anyone willing to tray porting this, we could study which library of all similar was easy to port. Everithing is better than nothing.


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Alwaysbusy is already looking for an Augmented Reality Library (i think).
I might take a look at AndEngine (again), but I won't promise anything.

Thank you for your attention. The main thing is that people like you are taking care for us...


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Badly Needed Library: Microphone Library

Here's what we badly need in the form of a library: A fully functional library that allows full functioality of the Microphone.

1. It needs to actively monitor Microphone levels WITHOUT having to be writing to a file.

2. It needs to be able to trigger an event when microphone levels get to a certain level (such as start/stop writing to a file). This must be for both above and below certain levels.

3. It needs to provide status, such as "If Microphone1.StillRecording = True then ...", or "If Microphone1.InputLevel >= 50 then...".

4. It needs to record input by way of click events or automatical detection of mic levels for "buttonless" functionality.

5. It needs to be able to save sound to files in memory or SD card in both wav or mp3 formats.

This kidn of functionaluity exists out there in the Java world. We badly need this isn B4A. Any of you gurus feel like takign this on? :)
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Erel, if you or someone can confirm that it is indeed possible to make a library wrapping andengine (AndEngine - Free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine) I will go ahead with the effort of working on it as I think this will open up a new world for b4a programming and it's users/potential users.

As andengine is already functioning java code, what is involved in 'wrapping' it to a b4a library? can someone share some insight regarding this? Thanks in advance.


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Perhaps Erel should hire some expert java programmers to help with all the work? Not sure of he does already, but I'm sure a dedicated team could put out a ton of libraries in a relatively short time...
I probably shouldn't say this but I'd pay a few bucks for each library I needed.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


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Perhaps Erel should hire some expert java programmers to help with all the work? Not sure of he does already, but I'm sure a dedicated team could put out a ton of libraries in a relatively short time...
I probably shouldn't say this but I'd pay a few bucks for each library I needed.

I agree with your idea. I'll pay 2$-5$ for each library. If there're 20 users need that library the money is quite much. That's win-win solution!


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The problem is everyone wants a different library and there are SO many things out there for people to build.

I suggest we start a forum for 'Libraries wanted', and adding a bounty for each library. Developers can collaborate, and whoever makes the library first gets the bounty!
Also have a Votebox like system, so that Most wanted libraries climb to the top.

just an idea...