miker2069 : the board seem stop working - no more LED are blinking !
does the word "AppStart" appear in the log? ==>
NO, only "********** PROGRAMMING STARTING" in red
(but notice that my LED on the board is blinking .. then the fw run !)
click on "connect" FREEZE the board ! the onboard LED stop to blink.
before i click on "Connect", the LED is blinking and the LED on the USB/TTL converter blink each second too ..
something let me think that maybe some handshaking (where ? !) is required ?
"Do Loop true" will run indefinitly ! the condition is "true" !
again, all the hardware are working with others compilers on this PC !.
ESP32 is working, USB/TTL converter working, Terminal ..
anyone can send me the simplest firmware, for ESP32, which will activate some data on the UART ?