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How is the V2 better than the V1 which is currently acquiring dust on my desktop?


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I have a R-Pi, had it 12 months now and never really used it. Not had time. Although I did get it out other day and set it up as an wifi access point bridging it to the eth0.


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Nice! Let us know if you get B4J working with it Erel. I'm thinking of getting one too.


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I have had one since the first ones were shipped and have not really had a chance to play with it. There never seems to be enough time in the day


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Hi Erel,
Does It work with B4J ?


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Nice piece of hardware
One of them gain dust on my desktop and host MySQL database and works as host for Geiger detector (Radioactive@Home project).


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I'm curios and need help with the "vision". Other than running b4j, what's the usefulness of this device over android TV sticks that have more memory and run android out of the box for the same price?


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Thanks, I understand Linux has a place as a Web server and I've always been under the impression android is essentially Linux. it just seems very "chanenged" to do things on it where as the android sticks already support google play, have wifi, multiple USB (w/host), more ram, SD and many can do 2160 hdmi. I use them for business and now that i can "push" to them easily they've become that much more usefull (cause they don't have any user interface, i.e. kb, mouse) Anyways I was just curious what sort of things it would be better for (I'm usually an early adopter, except when it comes to apple). I guess it could host a stable Web server and as an earlier poster, my sql (I'm assuming full caps vs sql lite).


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Would you have any examples of a cheap & small android stick that we can run B4a on?


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@IanMc. When you say "run b4a on" do mean a b4a built app or the b4a IDE? If IDE, then as far as I know, the IDE isn't compiled to run on android, maybe it can run on Linux but I'm not aware of it. As for running a b4a built app, there's thousands of them on ebay in the 40 - 80usd range with various specs. Just search "Android tv stick"

EDIT: Based on my limited understanding of how b4a works, I would suggest that it wouldn't be too hard to build an IDE to run on android, now compiling is another issue. Also, building on android could be cumbersome since it's not true multi window.
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@qsrtech I mean run a B4a built app on, so develop an app using B4a in the normal way on the PC and then install it onto the TV stick Android device.

However thinking about it, as the TV stick doesn't have a touch screen interface like a phone or a tablet then perhaps this might not be possible.


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However thinking about it, as the TV stick doesn't have a touch screen interface like a phone or a tablet then perhaps this might not be possible.

Depends what you wanna do on it. You can use a wireless mouse/keyboard or even plug it into a "touchscreen" monitor/tv. Possibilities are endless...
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