My application was B4a 2.02 Version. In new version i changed httputils for the libraries HttpUtils2, but shows ther error now:
Error description: Undeclared variable 'httputils' is used before it was assigned any value.Error occurred on line: 151 (Main)
Line 151: HttpUtils.PostString("LINGUAGEM", ServerUrl, "query=select%20LINGUAGEM%20from%20wInternet")
I called the .PostString with address url (in old version):
ServerUrl = ""
HttpUtils.PostString("NAME", ServerUrl, "query=select%20LINGUAGEM%20from%20wInternet")
New Version: J.PostString(("NAME", "query=select%20LINGUAGEM%20from%20wInternet")
Sorry, but i dont know what the use for call the SQL sintaxe and the server addres yet.
PostString? PutString?
Please, How to change this (old version): HttpUtils.PostString("JobCase", "", "Select * from table")??
I´m not expert
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("JobCase", Me)
j.PostString("","Select * from table")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
1. You should start a new thread for any new question you have.
2. Check the available okhttputils examples. There are a lot. Get familar with okhttputils.
3. Please post MORE DETAILED questions in the new thread. Honestly i did not understand your question at all.
4. I never worked with the httputils (1) version. so i don´t know what you are talking here.