Android Question New version update


Licensed User
Longtime User
It depends what version of the licence you purchased B4A with.

It if was the Standard version you are entitled to 2 months free upgrades - I.e. if a new version comes out within two months of when you purchased B4A you are entitled to that new version.
If you purchased the Enterprise version it is the same except it is 2 years instead of 2 months that you get free upgrades.

Either way I expect that you would have received an email giving you the link to download the updated version. If you didn't get one I would think that you must have purchased the standard version, and it was more than two months before 2.7 was released.

The details for this are on the B4A web site - choose the Purchase link from the top:
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the prompt reply. Well, I bought the Standard Version. So my updates are off now.Do I have to by the Enterprise edition all over again or can I upgrade to it by paying the balance amount?
Thank You.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I guess you could just buy the Standard version again, to get the latest one. With a new version being released shortly, you would get that too when it comes out.

I would suggest you email B4A support with any questions about paying the difference for moving to Enterprise version, etc...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Indeed, you should have received an email offering you an opportunity to purchase a further licence.

I went for the Enterprise one myself, as it includes 2 years worth of updates and as we've seen it's been improved quite a bit over the past 2 or 3 years.
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