Newbie with questions.



Yesterday i download the Free Version for testing some Stuff.
I wont to try if B4A can help me to make some Apps.

But today i must determine that i can do nothing with the Free Version !

I want to try some things:

1. Make a app to locate me with GPS.
2. Make some Grafics from Charts.
3. Make a App with more Screens and Slide between then.

But i must learn that all that thinks are only after the BUY include.
I ask me what i can do with this FREE Version ???

Greetz from Germany.


Hubert Brandel

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Marcus,

I am with B4A since 20.09.2011 (German Date) - in this two months I found some strange ways of B4A compared with the basic I know from Windows, but after this 2 months, my app is nearly finished and I did start from scratch with android programming. The same for Windows Mobile with a french compiler took me nearly a year to understand that compiler.

The cost of B4A is so less, that it is worth every cent ;-)
And it does what its for, create fast apps for android !

And don't forget the help in this forum here, if you want in german too ;-)
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I agree that the trial version may be too limited.

Ok, i'm glad that i not to stupid ;-)

But it was very frustrated to have the free version and can not make the thinks i've made ​​up my mind.

I think it will be better to have a Free Version that have ALL Liberys inside but can only make runtimes for a Emulator that will not work on any (real) Phone.
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Don't worry about satisfaction. In my mind you cannot get more value for money, on top of that the very generous Erel often have discounts.
Been using B4A for a few month and I'm so satisfied. Tried some other tools not nearly as competent as B4A, if you don't want to go native Java. And if you haven't used Java before you don't want to. The funny thing is that with B4A you don't have to. And another great thing is all the smart users charing their knowledge here, it is really nice.
And Erel and the pro users are developing new stuff and functions all the time.

So, you cannot go wrong here, especially if you have some little basic knowledge.

Sorry about my Swenglish :)
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