Hello All,
I am at a point in my first application of implementing a menu.
I see the AddMenu and such - I am up to the point of being able to click on the menu button and my menu with two icons pops up. The icons are Settings and About.
Before charging ahead, I have searched the forums and tutorials hoping to find an example of the preferred way for implementing a menu. For example, when a person clicks on Settings, I would like a screen or dialog to show that has about five radio buttons to set options (I have seen the Map library for persistent options). If a person clicks on About, I would like to show a web page.
Should I create new activities for each? Or, should I implement each as a panel that is hidden or shown? Something else? Is there an example or tutorial I should look at?
From experience, which is the preferred way to go? I always like to keep things simple. Things I am considering: implementation, working with the designer, supporting a few variants, eventually adding features.
Thanks much for your comments.