News for Google Home


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey, anybody know how to create messages for Google Home? I mean not notifications but e.g. a real news show?
I can't find anything about how and if you have to subscribe to it, where and if you have to provide a link to the audio stream or how it's regulated at all.

Does anyone have any experience in this or knows about it?

I would be very happy about help


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
There are some links like....the one below, which came up with the question : can one place messages on Google home? Apparently one can do text messages etc the Google search quick links show some things one can now do with Home. Didn't see anything about subscriptions etc to the service. Broadcasting is possible apparently in a general sense. How : you'll have to read those links probably...



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey, thanks for the answer, but this broadcast function between two devices is unfortunately not what I am looking for.

I meant it more like this: When you say "Hey Google, what's new", the Google Home automatically plays some news broadcasts from different providers.
And I'm interested in what you can/must do to publish your "own broadcast" so that others can listen to it using the command.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I suspected that was the case, and, I don't have anything about that side of it.

I would think its would be quite a process to register for that. I guess it depends on whether you want the people next door, or across town etc. hear the broadcast, or just someone on the other side of the house . . . my word that could freak a few people out. Could be fun
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