When datetimes are UTC on the server (as they should be), and in the Long type, trying to get the users local time report output was a problem.
Tried - sql.ExecNonQuery("SET @@session.time_zone := '"&Main.sesstz&"'") (" ie '-07:00'. Didn't work...
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/harris?user=harris&password=1111111&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=America/Vancouver"
This actually ADDED 7 hours to the date - instead of subtracting????
What did work:
In the Next Reports query, I have passed the timezone offset from the users browser (tzo) .
Set the tzo as double type.
FROM_UNIXTIME((eventmast.sdate / 1000 ) + ${tzo} ) as SD,
FROM_UNIXTIME((eventmast.edate / 1000) + ${tzo} ) as ED,
In B4J, add the param to the list.
inputlist.add( DateTime.GetTimeZoneOffsetAt( qsd ) * 60 * 60 ) ' qsd is the user selected start date.
ie (-7 * 60 * 60 ) = -25200
DateTime.GetTimeZoneOffsetAt will also compensate for DST.
Tried - sql.ExecNonQuery("SET @@session.time_zone := '"&Main.sesstz&"'") (" ie '-07:00'. Didn't work...
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/harris?user=harris&password=1111111&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=America/Vancouver"
This actually ADDED 7 hours to the date - instead of subtracting????
What did work:
In the Next Reports query, I have passed the timezone offset from the users browser (tzo) .
Set the tzo as double type.
FROM_UNIXTIME((eventmast.sdate / 1000 ) + ${tzo} ) as SD,
FROM_UNIXTIME((eventmast.edate / 1000) + ${tzo} ) as ED,
In B4J, add the param to the list.
inputlist.add( DateTime.GetTimeZoneOffsetAt( qsd ) * 60 * 60 ) ' qsd is the user selected start date.
ie (-7 * 60 * 60 ) = -25200
DateTime.GetTimeZoneOffsetAt will also compensate for DST.