No Code App Development is a Trap


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Maybe some companies want to save money without hiring developers but end up wasting more money and the product unable to launch.
If someone think he doesn't want to learn a new programming language but he actually still need to read the documentation and learn how to use the tool. What is the difference?


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For an experienced programmer, learning yet another programming language is not a problem (plus intelligent editors help a lot).


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I watched another video from her about Agile Software Development.

It seems to me that Scrum master or project manager are not only look like spies or imposter, but for me I think they are more like British colonization in history.


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The whole "no code development" paradigm is a bit shaky. What is code? It is the way to formalize the app logic. There are apps where the logic layer is very thin and the focus is on the content. Such apps can be built "without code", or cases where you can get a template that already implements your app logic. But for most real apps you need to actually implement the logic. There is no way to escape it.


Nowadays Low code it more of a gimmick then a practically usable solution.

I have used tools which provide developers with features that (are provided by the current breed of) Low code tools about 10 years back.

For me it is just a buzz word that most new tools developers are using to position their dev tools.

Actually, I feel, in this video she is complaining about FlutterFLow and its shortcomings. And based on that assumption she is trying to say that all Low code tools are crap.


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Hi guys... well "No Code"... there is "no code" platform... always "background" creating the code... but those platforms must say/tell their limits to programmers-users.... and always give the source-code to be customized.

So a no-code platform can create specific applications with specific rules and these rules can be bypass if have the code of compiler/interpreter too... they are using specific "logic" like AI-Tools from specific (subs, routines, etc).

They are good until one point... after that need to add code and think like programmer to "pass" the limits.
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I think this tool may able to fullfil certain use cases but there is no perfect tool that can make everyone happy.
Maybe this kind of tool is good for quick prototyping POC to show to potential investor for startups. I also don't believe an absolute No Code tool. However, it would be useful for a Low Code tool that provide the flexibility to extend the generated source code, provided the generated source code is not spaghetti code.


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In my long experience there are two type of customer, a group that used canned software as it is and other group thar claim customization. No code solutions may apply for general solutions for the second group however this group always want very very propietary tunning so they end up hiring a programmer to fill up the gaps between commercial softwarte (SAP, MS Dynamics, Oracle) and propietary solutions.

Best Regards


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Just curious, how important do you think intelligence is for running a successful company?
Not that much. People and sales skills are more important. I have heard a lot of people who started successful companies say they never would have started if they had know all that was involved. Smart people know what is involved.


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Just curious, how important do you think intelligence is for running a successful company?
For running a successful company, intelligence is required... however... for creating a successful company... intelligence is Optional, you only need a good idea, that may not even be yours to start of, and a bit of luck! And then, you get bought by intelligent company managers!!
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