No keyboard with CustomDialog2?



Hi. I created a simple CustomDialog2 with an edittext and a couple of buttons on it, but when I click in the edittext, the keyboard does not pop up like it normally would in an activity. Any ideas on how to handle this? Thanks.


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You can show the keyboard manually with the IME library.

But I just created a small sample with an edittext and a customdialog2 and I was not able to reproduce your problem.
Are you using the emulator or a real device?

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I'm using the emulator. I don't have a real device yet, so I don't know this, but can the user bring up the keyboard manually in this case; as a last resort? Thanks.
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Well-Known Member
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...but can the user bring up the keyboard manually in this case; as a last resort? Thanks.
Yes, the user can always manually show or hide the keyboard.

Just to stick on your problem:
Can you provide your code building and showing up your custom dialog so we can have a look at it?

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