I want reproduce the resize frame like in visual designer at runtime, where Resize Frame is a class that accept any type of node and create a frame around it.
My approch it was creating a Base around passed node, where inside the base there are:
indicators that are panes;
transparent pane with border that reproduce the frame.
Order of resizing is:
1) Base
2) Transparent Base (in function of Base)
3) Passed Node (in function of Transparent Base)
Everythings work but, for example in this case, if i change the text size of button or the font, node min size are changed according to his content.
So i should set min size when resizing and stop the frame resizing when node is not longer resizable, otherwise the result will be:
Using the text size calculation would limit me to using the class only with nodes containing text.
I hope my problem is clearer.