First, a word of self-excuse! I'm used to a programming environment where file-handling involves loading the (separate) file, typically using a WHILE / NOT EOF loop and thus loading the various field values into array variables, where they can be easily manipulated.
The B4A system has me rather flummoxed as it's so different; I have read the various help files and have ploughed through the sample code, and can now at least handle simple text and number databases, but I still become totally lost where blobs are concerned.
My current 'learn B4A' project involves creating a simple address book; the db has therefore two tables in it, one with fields for ID, Name, Street, Town, Telephone; and the other with two fields - one for the ID (to permit easy JOINs) and one blob-field to hold a person's picture.
What I want to be able to do is to tap a row in the ScrollView and display the appropriate picture in an ImageView; I've tried various snippets of code - thanks to the kind people who've helped here! - but can't get the appropriate image (or, usually any image) to match the appropriate row. Typically I get a Column ID does not exist error, but fiddling with the parameters produces only more interesting error messages.
I accept that I don't really know what I'm doing here! Can someone kindly hold my hand please!
The B4A system has me rather flummoxed as it's so different; I have read the various help files and have ploughed through the sample code, and can now at least handle simple text and number databases, but I still become totally lost where blobs are concerned.
My current 'learn B4A' project involves creating a simple address book; the db has therefore two tables in it, one with fields for ID, Name, Street, Town, Telephone; and the other with two fields - one for the ID (to permit easy JOINs) and one blob-field to hold a person's picture.
What I want to be able to do is to tap a row in the ScrollView and display the appropriate picture in an ImageView; I've tried various snippets of code - thanks to the kind people who've helped here! - but can't get the appropriate image (or, usually any image) to match the appropriate row. Typically I get a Column ID does not exist error, but fiddling with the parameters produces only more interesting error messages.
I accept that I don't really know what I'm doing here! Can someone kindly hold my hand please!