Notification at 20h


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I would like to send a notification every day at a specified time. For example a notifcation every day at 20 hours. ("Alert" = the message body)
I use service module named "Alarm" I do not know what to put in Service_Create and in Service_Start.

I place in Sub Service_Start

Dim n as Notification
n.Icon = "icon"
n.SetInfo ("title", "Alert", "")
n.Vibrate = True
n.Notify (1)

In Service_Create I put the code like
If it is 20h Then
StartService (Alarm)
End If

Am I on a good track?


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there are a couple of things you need to consider for e.g. if the phone is sleeping or not
I would recommend using StartServiceAt command in which you can specify when the service needs to start.
since this is a repeating occurence you can use StartServiceAt to schedule the next service start, after you display the notification.
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Please, can you give me an example? I don't see how to use StartserviceAt and where i have to write the code. Thank you for your aid.
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Well-Known Member
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I begin to understand but I do not see very well where to place the instruction "StartServiceAt" when it has to trigger itself for example every day at the same time. In the labor-module or service module? And if in the service-module, in which instruction, Sub Service_Start?
I understand when the service is triggered by clicking a button for example, but I do not see when the service is itself triggered.
Perhaps you don't understand my bad english?
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