iOS Question Notification without Firebase

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Licensed User
Hello, I would like to make notifications without using Firebase. I couldn't find it on the forum. Thanks for your help.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
But Firebase seems to be the only way forward in B4I 2024.
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Licensed User
Hello, I would like to trigger a notification when querying my server (downloading a file in https)
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Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
Can I trigger a task in the background every day at 12 p.m.
Nope... Half a year ago I tried to develop an alarm clock with B4I, but the app was always killed by the OS without having an extended time.
Does not work:

every day at 12 p.m. and then trigger a local notification?
You can schedule a notification every day at 12pm:
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B4X founder
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Half a year ago I tried to develop an alarm clock with B4I, but the app was always killed by the OS without having an extended time
This should be done with a scheduled local notification. There is no other way.

Why won't I be able to control the start time of notifications?
With background fetch the OS will start the process from time to time. You have no control over the exact time.

Note that background fetch actually starts your app. Local notification doesn't.
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Licensed User
Note that background fetch actually starts your app. Local notification doesn't.

I don't understand :-( If I use this code, I won't be able to display a notification if the application is in the background?
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Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
This should be done with a scheduled local notification. There is no other way.
Then the other apps in the App Store must work their magic, because they can even change the volume while the music is playing and play the notification sound even though the phone is in silent mode and all while the app is in the background.
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Licensed User
I am using a B4X project (Main & B4XMainPage), is it possible to put the code for the Application_FetchDownload function in the B4XMainPage class? (see last example in the link)

Thank you for your help
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